This is the perfect amount of infused honey for any honey lover! Comes with 3, 3oz, jars. Pick and choose which flavors you would like by selecting them through the dropdown menu. You can choose more than one of each flavor if desired. Our Infused Honey flavors are Acai, Apple, Banana, Blueberry, Cacao, Cinnamon, Coconut, Dragonfruit, Elderberry, Espresso, Garlic, Ginger, Goji, Grapefruit, Hot Pepper, Lavender, Lemon, Lime, Mango, Mulberry, Mustard, Orange, Pineapple, Pomegranate, Pumpkin Spice, Raspberry, Raw Bee Pollen, Strawberry, Tart Cherry, Tumeric, Vanilla.
3 Jar Infused Honey Box Set